River Kids BGMC Sunday

Sep 20, 2020    Pastor Mark Eskew    #kids #BGMC #missions

Our River Kids have a LARGE goal of raising $10,020.20 for BGMC in 2020. Today, we have an opportunity to hear from Pastor Mark as he shares his heart and vision for world missions and our children.

If tomorrow’s world is waiting for our kids, would our kids ever go overseas based on what we are teaching them about missions around the world and by our example of support for missions?

"And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth he will certainly not lose his reward." - Matthew 10:42

1.) Teach your kids to care about the world.

2.) Teach them to know about the needs of the world and the lost people of the world.

HOW, as parents, aunts & uncles, mentors, etc. do this for our children?

1.) You get behind them.
2.) You pray for the world.
3.) You pray with them.
4.) You give with them.