Here at River of Life, membership means more than simply having your name on a list. We consider membership to be synonymous with partnership and involvement. It’s all about moving beyond attending worship on Sunday and joining us in creating, funding, and serving the different areas of our church.
Starting Point
The first step in becoming a member at River of Life is to attend our 3-week Starting Point class.
In Starting Point, you will discover all the things God is doing here at River of Life and how you can be a part of our mission - to KNOW, GROW, and SHOW the love of Christ. This experience is also our pathway to membership…come and learn about our church’s DNA and find your place on a serve team.
In Starting Point, you will discover all the things God is doing here at River of Life and how you can be a part of our mission - to KNOW, GROW, and SHOW the love of Christ. This experience is also our pathway to membership…come and learn about our church’s DNA and find your place on a serve team.

If you have any additional questions, please contact [email protected]!