Livin’ on a Prayer (Model Prayer)

May 19, 2021    Pastor Mark Eskew    5K Run the Race, Luke 11:1-4, Prayer, Kids,

This lesson talks about how we can connect with God. It shares how we can pray at any time and that Jesus loved to pray. The story teaches that Jesus would slip away from the crowds to be alone and talk to Hs Father, God. There was one day that one of Jesus' disciples asked Him, "Lord...teach us to pray". Jesus answered His friend with a simple example. The example God showed them is the prayer found in Luke 11:2-4. It is good to memorize this prayer, but we don't have to stick with those exact words to pray right. We can take the same ideas from Jesus' prayer and make them our own, as we pray to Him. Jesus called God "Father"; we can, too. He is our perfect Father who loved us, no matter what. God deserves to be honored. God made heaven and Earth, made us in His image. We ca take time to honor God and thank Him for all He's done for us. God is our King. He is our King. He is in control; He has a good plan for our lives. God's "kingdom" means that things happen the way God planned for them to happen. We're asking God to make things in our world right, good, and true. We're asking Him to help us be part of what He's doing in the world. We can pray and ask God for the things we need-and the things other people need. Praying helps us remember that God is always there to take care of us. Jesus knew that it was important for us to talk to God when we mess up. God will always be there to forgive us and give us a fresh start. When we've experienced God's forgiveness, that helps us forgive others too. You can talk to God anytime, anywhere, about anything. Practice praying to God.