All Church Updates
We want to keep you informed and connected with news at the church during this season.
UPDATE JULY 24: Mask Update at River of Life
HEY CHURCH! Check out the latest update from our lead pastor regarding this weekend’s services. In accordance with the current Minnesota guidelines, face masks will now he required for everyone inside our building. We have a limited quantity of disposable masks available at the doors, but ask that if you have your own, please bring it.
Children ages 5 and under will not be required to wear a mask. If your child is 6 and older, they must wear a mask during River Kids services.
Those on stage (speakers, presenters, worship leaders, etc) will not be required to wear facial coverings while on the platform.
For those with health issues and are unable to wear a mask, we have a service available for you in the River YTH building. Otherwise, we invite you to join us in our online worship experience! Our heart is for unity and safety of our church, our community, our state, and our world. Please be in prayer for our leadership during this season. We are believing for greater things in things. We love our church! Be creative! On Sunday, we’re giving out prizes for the most creative masks in service. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
HEY CHURCH! Check out the latest update from our lead pastor regarding this weekend’s services. In accordance with the current Minnesota guidelines, face masks will now he required for everyone inside our building. We have a limited quantity of disposable masks available at the doors, but ask that if you have your own, please bring it.
Children ages 5 and under will not be required to wear a mask. If your child is 6 and older, they must wear a mask during River Kids services.
Those on stage (speakers, presenters, worship leaders, etc) will not be required to wear facial coverings while on the platform.
For those with health issues and are unable to wear a mask, we have a service available for you in the River YTH building. Otherwise, we invite you to join us in our online worship experience! Our heart is for unity and safety of our church, our community, our state, and our world. Please be in prayer for our leadership during this season. We are believing for greater things in things. We love our church! Be creative! On Sunday, we’re giving out prizes for the most creative masks in service. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
UPDATE JUNE 21: New Service Times starting June 27th and going forward!
Starting June 27th, our new service times will be back to "normal" before the pandemic.
Sundays at 8am, 9:30am, and 11am
We will also broadcast during all three service times.
Starting June 27th, our new service times will be back to "normal" before the pandemic.
Sundays at 8am, 9:30am, and 11am
We will also broadcast during all three service times.
UPDATE JUNE 17: Wednesday Night Update
Here’s an update on our Wednesday night programming at River of Life Church!
â˜€ï¸ IN-PERSON Life Groups will start up JULY 8! You can get more information at
â˜€ï¸ River of Life River Kids will also return to LIVE services on JULY 8. For the next few weeks, hang out with our River Kids team online!
â˜€ï¸ River Youth is BACK tonight! If you’re in 6th - 12th grade, we’ll see you tonight at 7pm, IN-PERSON for our usual services!
Here’s an update on our Wednesday night programming at River of Life Church!
â˜€ï¸ IN-PERSON Life Groups will start up JULY 8! You can get more information at
â˜€ï¸ River of Life River Kids will also return to LIVE services on JULY 8. For the next few weeks, hang out with our River Kids team online!
â˜€ï¸ River Youth is BACK tonight! If you’re in 6th - 12th grade, we’ll see you tonight at 7pm, IN-PERSON for our usual services!
UPDATE JUNE 13: Here is What to Expect in River Kids
We can't wait to see you!!
We can't wait to see you!!
UPDATE JUNE 10: Church will be back onsite and continue online this weekend!
We’re coming BACK to the HOUSE this weekend for CHURCH! We’re working hard to clean our building and get it ready for you 🧽🧹
Church Service times are Saturday at 5pm & Sunday at 8:30am & 10:30am.
Here a few things you can expect:
1.) Our greeters and ushers will be wearing masks. Masks ARE NOT require to attend. Wearing a face mask is at your discretion. We will not judge others’ spiritual maturity based on their personal health decisions in response to an unprecedented pandemic.
2.) Our Coffee Bar and Play Zone will be closed for the time being. All other public areas will be open in the church 🎉
3.) The sanctuary and any other “high touch†areas will be sanitized after every service!
4.) Hand Sanitizer will be available throughout the building for your use.
5.) Bulletins will be available on our app. We’re encouraging online giving, and will also provide offering buckets by the doors on your way out.
6.) River Kids will have their OWN SERVICES with social distancing guidelines! (All the parents said AMEN! 🎉🙌ðŸ½) If you’re looking to serve in this season, email [email protected].
If you or any of your family is sick, stay home and get better! We are asking that you only exchange waves and warm smiles as we encourage a touch less church for the time being. Finally, we ask that you respect the views of others. Coming to church is great! Staying home and watching online is great, too! For any other questions, head on over to We can’t wait to worship with you this weekend!
We’re coming BACK to the HOUSE this weekend for CHURCH! We’re working hard to clean our building and get it ready for you 🧽🧹
Church Service times are Saturday at 5pm & Sunday at 8:30am & 10:30am.
Here a few things you can expect:
1.) Our greeters and ushers will be wearing masks. Masks ARE NOT require to attend. Wearing a face mask is at your discretion. We will not judge others’ spiritual maturity based on their personal health decisions in response to an unprecedented pandemic.
2.) Our Coffee Bar and Play Zone will be closed for the time being. All other public areas will be open in the church 🎉
3.) The sanctuary and any other “high touch†areas will be sanitized after every service!
4.) Hand Sanitizer will be available throughout the building for your use.
5.) Bulletins will be available on our app. We’re encouraging online giving, and will also provide offering buckets by the doors on your way out.
6.) River Kids will have their OWN SERVICES with social distancing guidelines! (All the parents said AMEN! 🎉🙌ðŸ½) If you’re looking to serve in this season, email [email protected].
If you or any of your family is sick, stay home and get better! We are asking that you only exchange waves and warm smiles as we encourage a touch less church for the time being. Finally, we ask that you respect the views of others. Coming to church is great! Staying home and watching online is great, too! For any other questions, head on over to We can’t wait to worship with you this weekend!
UPDATE MAY 28: Phase 1 for River of Life Reopening Starts in June
Dear River of Life Family,
We have missed you so much over these last few months and while we have loved connecting with you digitally we are excited to resume our in person gatherings. Together with the staff and board we have come up with a plan to facilitate this in a safe and effective way.We have been closely watching and reading the recommendations from the medical and science communities to determine the best time and plan for services as we get back together as on-site church. We are going to make sure everything will be ready to go for you to be healthy and safe when this happens. Our motivation is not fear. Rather, we are doing everything we know how to do to protect the most vulnerable among us and to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. So our motivation is not fear, but our love for others in our church family.
Please read the plan so we can all move forward together:
Week 1 Services Times (NEW):
Saturday June 6th, 5:00pm
Sunday June 7th, 8:30am and 10:30am

Week 1 Service Model:
Drive-in-church with communion (online available)
We will have cars park in every other stall. You may exit your car to the empty stall to the LEFT of your vehicle you can put up chairs or a blanket on the ground or remain in your car. No personal contact with others is highly recommended. You will receive a communion packet when you enter the parking lot.

Week 2 Services Times:
Saturday June 13th, 5:00pm
Sunday June 14th, 8:30am and 10:30am
Week 2 Service Model:
Online Only
Pastor Mark Eskew will provide the message for National Children’s Day so there will be prizes for the children as well!
Week 3 Services Times:
Saturday June 20th, 5:00pm
Sunday June 21st, 8:30am and 10:30am

Week 3 Service Model:
On-Site Services and Online — No Childcare
Due to current regulations there will be no River Kids ministry of any kind during this phase. However, our Saturday night service will be a family service including a portion of the service being dedicated to a children’s message. There will also be adult worship with children providing actions to some songs! (Everyone is welcome at any of the services, just know that the Saturday evening service will have something specially dedicated to kids.)
We are limited to the amount of people we can have at each service. When we reach this limit we will use the youth building as an overflow. Children and adults will be in the sanctuary or youth building.
Continuing after June 21st:
3 services each week one Saturday at 5pm called a family service (all welcome) and two Sunday one at 8:30 and one at 10:30am (all welcome). There will be no nursery or children ministries. This could change if the guidelines change so watch for announcements on our app or website. River of Life Cold Spring on the App Store or
1.) Do we need to wear a face mask?
This is at your discretion. We will not judge others’ spiritual maturity based on their personal health decisions in response to an unprecedented pandemic. 

2.) What will be open?
Common areas including River Grounds Coffee and River Kids Play Zone will be closed. The Foyer and bathrooms will be open.
3.) How clean is the building?
The Sanctuary (Building) will be sanitized after every service. We could use your help if you are able to volunteer to make the area safe for other, please contact us! Hand sanitizer and stations will be set up around the building. We will be sanitizing the restroom and any high touch areas in the building (door, etc.) often. Doors will be wide open, weather permitting. We will not distribute bulletins or offering envelopes. Instead, offering envelopes will be placed on the chairs then thrown away. Or feel free to give online. Our greeters will be wearing masks and gloves.

4.) What can I do to help?
If you (or anyone in your family) is sick, stay home and get better! If you are high risk, continue to join us in online services. If you need to sneeze or cough, into your elbows. We will encourage no touch while we meet if we meet in the Phase 1. Waves and warm smiles only. If you can help clean, please let us know. Respect the views of others. Some say we should have everything open. Some believe everything should be closed.

So here is how we are going to approach this — we will respect the thought and preference of others - we are not going to make anyone feel lesser or non-spiritual because they have a different approach. Coming to church will be OK. Staying at home will be OK as well. It’s going to be OK!
God has this! We will not let it destroy us and the valuable relationships we have established over the years. You have been incredible during this time. You have checked in on others and provided resources to those in need. You have bought groceries, paid bills, and delivered meals. Some have even been able to do construction, landscaping and lawn work for the church. Thank you!
Another exciting reality is how many have committed to use this time to grow in their relationship with the Lord in on-line Life Groups! Our Life Groups have had over 250 people each week and they are still going. Please sign up today on our app or website.
This all reminds how deeply we miss each other the the value there is to meet together. We will never take church gatherings for granted again!
I can’t wait to see you again, and believe it or not, I am ready for a hug, from some of you!
- Denny
Lead Pastor, River of Life