River Kids | River of Life Church | March 21, 2021

Mar 21, 2021    Pastor Mark Eskew    Genesis 25:24-34

It can be tough to be patient. Such as waiting on your parent to stop working, waiting on virtual class to load, waiting for the next movie in your favorite series. What could you LOSE if you’re NOT patient?

God had promised to make Abraham the father of a great nation—and God said He would bless all people through him. God began to fulfill this promise when Abraham had a son named Isaac. When Isaac grew up, he married Rebekah. It seemed that Isaac and Rebekah couldn’t have children, but God kept His promise. Isaac prayed, God answered his prayer, and Rebekah became pregnant with TWINS. Rebekah could feel the twin boys struggling inside her, and went to ask God what she should do.

The time came for Rebekah to have her babies. Esau was born first; he had a head full of red hair. Then Jacob was born—still holding onto Esau’s heel. Esau loved to roam in the wilderness. He grew up to become a skillful hunter
Jacob was happy to stay at home among the tents. He probably spent his days cooking.

One day, Jacob was cooking stew and baking bread. Esau came in from the open country, very hungry. Esau demanded that Jacob give him some food
Jacob. Back then, the oldest son had the right to be the new leader of the family when the father passed away. Jacob was telling Esau to give those rights to HIM—just for a bowl of stew. Esau wasn’t willing to wait.

Jacob made Esau promise to trade his rights if he gave him some stew. Esau promised his rights to Jacob just so he could fill his belly.

Esau had traded away the rights of a lifetime, for a meal that would last a few hours. God provides what we need, in HIS perfect timing
Bottom line, If you don’t wait, it could cost you.

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