February 14 - K-5th Grade - River Kids Church
Family Ties (Ruth and Boaz) • Ruth
We can be kind to others because God is kind to us. It isn’t always easy to be kind. Sometimes it’s hardest to be kind to the people who are closest to us—like our family members and our closest friends. The story of Ruth shows us how.
Naomi’s Decision
Naomi and her family were from Judah, but there wasn’t enough food there . . . so they traveled to Moab. While they were in Moab, Naomi’s husband died. But both of Naomi’s sons got married. One son married Orpah, and the other son married Ruth. BOTH of Naomi’s sons died. Naomi heard there was once again food in Judah; she decided to go back. Naomi told Ruth and Orpah to go back to their homes. Orpah left, but Ruth said she would stay with Naomi: Ruth 1:16.
Meet Boaz
Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to come with her. The two women left for Naomi’s hometown, Bethlehem. Boaz was related to Naomi, and he owned fields of grain. Ruth and Naomi needed food, so Ruth went into Boaz’s fields to try to get grain. God had made a law that landowners were supposed to leave some grain behind for people who needed food
Ruth was able to gather food for herself and for Naomi. Boaz asked the man who was in charge of his workers who Ruth was. He had heard about Ruth’s kindness to Naomi, so he went to Ruth and told her she could gather grain from his fields: Ruth 2:8-9. Boaz even gave Ruth some bread and roasted grain to eat. At the end of the day, Ruth was able to bring grain home to Naomi.
Wrapping Up the Story
A short time later, Boaz and Ruth had a baby named Obed. Obed later had a son named Jesse who was the father of King David. Many, many years later, JESUS was born as part of their family line. God can use our kindness to accomplish His plan. Boaz, Ruth, and Naomi were kind to their family and friends . We can choose to do that, too.