Relational Realities

Apr 14, 2021    Pastors Adam & Amber Haugen    Life Lessons From Jesus, Luke 5

We believe God created us to live in relationship with others so that we can grow in our faith, receive care in life’s ups and downs, and serve others. Connection is part of our design, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find. That’s why Life Groups exist—to make these life-changing connections relevant and accessible to you.

Join us in this short three-week series, we will unpack and discuss a handful of Jesus teachings found in the Bible. Wednesdays at 7pm in the main sanctuary at River of Life starting April 7th, 14th, and 21st with Pastors Adam and Amber Haugen. During this series called "Life Lessons From Jesus," we will focus on Luke chapters 4-6.We are looking into how we pull life lessons out of the life of Jesus. So for these 3 weeks are challenging you to read through Luke chapters 4, 5, and 6.

There are things we learn from Jesus by what he taught, and other things we learn by what he did. We are simply trying to read through some of the scriptures and challenge us to understand the lessons that Jesus’ words and life were teaching. We want to see the big picture in the story.

During this teaching, we are going to read through Luke 5. Now, the Bible is a unique book because it is the Word of God— it is living and active— which means that there are multiple lessons that we could pull from these chapters.

Last time we looked at Luke 4 and we talked about identity;
How Jesus’ identity was formed from the Word of God. Tonight we are going to focus on relationships, and the first story has a bit of a tie over from chapter 4.

As Jesus is gathering his first disciples, we see a bit of an identity crisis in Simon Peter.
See Luke 5.