Real Hope

May 3, 2020    Pastor Denny Curran    #churchonthemove Job 8:11-13

"...those who forget God have no hope. They are like rushes without any mire to grow in; or grass without water to keep it alive. Suddenly it begins to wither, even before it is cut."
- Job 8:11-13 (TLB)

The further away we get from God the less hope we have — the reverse is true as well. The closer you get to God the more hope you have in your life.

There is one hope that the Bible talks about that we can turn to. This is called CERTAIN HOPE. This hope brings confidence in the storms of life. We have this hope as an anchor for our souls. We can build our lives on this hope! You can’t have faith without hope. If you don’t have hope you don’t have anything to believe God for. If you don’t have anything to hope for then you don’t have anything to believe for.

How do we develop hope in our lives? Real hope is based on a relationship with God through Jesus! We can have hope when we know the Lord. Real hope is based in God's Word! It's not based on our feelings and emotions, but on what God has SPOKEN. Finally, Real hope is born in prayer. As christians, we are called to always pray and never lose hope. In times of fear and doubt, we can pray or we can panic. We can worship or we can worry. Today, we need God, the Bible, and prayer more than any other time in our history. What are you putting your hope in? What are you turning to?