The Holy Spirit Intro

Feb 16, 2020    Pastor Denny Curran    John 14:15 - 18 #holyspirit

According to the Word of God, when WE allow the Holy Spirit to fully dwell in our lives, He produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control. All of these qualities and more are the natural byproducts of enjoying the Holy Spirit’s presence and friendship in our lives! This week, we kicked off a brand new series on the Holy Spirit and the things that Jesus promises for us. In John 14, we read that there is an advocate to help us in times of trouble, questioning, hurting, etc. In today's world, we live in fear and stress on a daily basis. The Holy Spirit promises to help us through these things. Along with these promises, the Holy Spirit offers us power. With this power, we have limitless potential. He reveals this through time, like unwrapping a present piece by piece. Finally, the Holy Spirit offers us His presence. This presence leads us into a life of fulfillment in Christ. We invite you to listen to today's message and feel free to use the notes provided below!