The Holy Spirit - Week 5 (Worship & Message)
“All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” -Acts 2:4
This week, we end our current series on the Holy Spirit as we discuss the third person of the Trinity. Jesus commanded His disciples to be filled with the Holy Spirit! Some may still be asking the question, WHY do I need the Holy Spirit? In this week’s message, we learn that the Holy Spirit empowers us to live righteously! When we are led by the Spirit, things get exciting! Next, the Holy Spirit empowers us to live supernaturally! You can be a christian and live your life “naturally,” but it’s not God’s plan for you! Jesus lived a supernatural life - operating out of healing, signs and wonders, and miracles. John 14:12 - 14 says “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it!.” We are called to do EVEN MORE. What is God calling you to? What is the MORE in your life? Your marriage can be saved! Your relationships can be mended! Your body can be healed! Your chains of addiction can be broken! Your LIFE can be CHANGED by the power of the Holy Spirit. Finally, the Holy Spirit empowers us to live on mission! At River of Life Church, we recognize that we are here to make a difference and to bring light into our world. We challenge you to pursue all that God has for you. It’s an incredible journey!
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