A Teaching on the Holy Spirit (Sunday Morning) - Tim Enloe
“Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we know the things freely given to us by God.”
- 1 Cor. 2:9 - 14
We have the Spirt of God living inside of us from the moment we are saved. If you’ve given your life to Jesus, the Holy Spirit LIVES inside of you. Our subject this weekend is praying in tongues. There are many misunderstandings or concerns about this gift. In this message, Pastor Tim leads a conversation (part 2 - see 1st message from 03.07.20) about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. There are two types of tongues; personal tongue and public tongue. Personal tongues is praying in the spirit. It is for every christian. If you’re a christian, God has designed the richness and ability to pray out of the spirit bucket. This also encourages the individual who’s praying. It doesn’t require attention - it’s simply between you and the Lord. Public tongue (utterance) is designed to build up the church as a whole. It requires an interpretation. Praying in tongues is not intellectually fulfilling; it’s spiritually fulfilling. When we pray in tongues, it is perfect prayer and vitally important. We can lean in and pray in the wisdom of God. Finally, praying in tongues trains our will and flesh to yield to the Holy Spirit. Spiritual tongues is NOT the biggest part of your spiritual life, salvation is. We can grow in a deeper relationship with Christ by practicing the gift of speaking in tongues.